
The bits are a key component of horse racing. They are the part of the horse that make direct contact with the track and are responsible for providing the power to move the horse forward. The bit is also responsible for communicating the rider's instructions to the horse. There are a variety of different bits that are used in horse racing, each with its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

The most common type of bit is the snaffle bit. This bit is made up of a mouthpiece and two rings. The mouthpiece is inserted into the horse's mouth and the rings are attached to the reins. When the reins are pulled, the rings pull on the mouthpiece, which in turn puts pressure on the horse's lips, bars, and tongue. This pressure is what communicates the rider's instructions to the horse.

The snaffle bit is a good choice for beginner riders or horses that are not yet used to being ridden. It is also a good choice for horses that are not very strong or that tend to pull on the reins. The snaffle bit is gentle and does not put a lot of pressure on the horse's mouth.

The curb bit is a more advanced bit that is used for more experienced riders and horses. This bit is made up of a mouthpiece, a shank, and two rings. When the reins are pulled, the rings pull on the mouthpiece and the shank, which in turn puts pressure on the horse's poll, neck, and chin.

The curb bit is a more severe bit that can be quite uncomfortable for the horse. It should only be used by experienced riders and horses that are used to being ridden in this type of bit.

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